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Can't play online. I have literally no idea why. Otherwise, I've seen friends play it, and it seems really cool.

This game looks and sounds amazing! Very polished menus and look overall. It's very difficult to control, and the ramp-up in gravity vs distance to the gravitating body makes it hard to predict what will happen, but it was still fun to play and I kept on trying, failure after failure. I also love all the flavor text.

I've also made a gravity-sim game for Pico8. Let me know what you think of it if you get a chance!

Love it! Great work. Very challenging and fun. Message me if you want to do a 4k, hi-res version!

Hey, thank you for making a game out of the cart! I love how you ran with the aesthetics, right down to the design of this page.

The game's a real challenge, I think my best streak was 2! It makes the title pretty amusing, this method of spacefaring seems rarely practical. The refueling/overheating mechanic is very satisfying. Planning ahead is only roughly possible for me, in particular because of the influence of the moving planets. But as hard as the game is, I imagine a very skilled player could win most of the time. If you did want to make it more accessible without significant changes, maybe a larger fuel tank with a lower limit as the player gets a longer streak could ease people into the game.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun with it, well done!